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Currently I am training using the juggernaut method by Chad Wesley Smith.
The juggernaut Method
It is a combination of sports style of training (plyo work, olympic lifts, and strength) mixed with block periodization.
The main cycle runs 16 weeks with 4 microcycles in it as waves. a 10 rep, 8 rep, 5 rep, and 3 rep wave.
From there is breaks each week down into what weight percentages to use and rep scales.
So far I have really enjoyed it. I am feeling very strong, and finding the work hard but manageable. The majority of it submaximal lifting. That is at all times you are going off of estimated maxes and not actuals. This is a strength program, NOT a contest prep program. I am running this to build strength until I get within eight weeks of my next powerlifting competition, then I switch to contest prep. It works well with strongman as at no real time am I technically maxing out any of my lifts.
At the end of the program, I will post the before and afters here to let you see just what this can do for a lifter focused on athletic performance over pure power.
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