Thursday, 31 March 2011

Holy shit! I have a blog...

Damn right I do. For those who don't know me, I am Michael Majik, and I am an asshole. More over, I am one who prefers to shout about the bullshit in the fitness/health world and provide stripped down ideas and methods to make you succeed in your goals and not hate life trying to get there.  Here I'll be posting my training log, supplements I try (and whether I like them or not), training ideas for athletes (not just strength or weight loss), and things that I see or hear that just need to be talked about because well, it made me rant.

As a Toronto, Ontario local, there will probably be restaurant reviews, food ideas, and small "interviews" with others that share a similar or different kind of ideals. I'll probably swear, I know I'll rant, and I'll make remarks that are down right brutal... but I promise to keep the selling bullshit to a minimum as well, I think it takes hard work and smart thinking to hit those highs and not fill my wallet.

Ask me anything and I'll answer you, enough people ask and I'll devote a whole post to it.

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