Monday, 15 August 2011

Back from the dead

I know it's been over a month, but other parts of my life have gotten in the way. I just haven't felt like blogging.

This past saturday was my second competition of the year. This was a bit heavier than the one in New Liskeard and just as tough. It was in woodstock ontario, and the day itself was great. not too hot and it didn't rain.

The day started off well, with my nagging back and stiff right calf feeling good for once, I carbed up and headed off to grab two other team members. I was feeling good, I got lots of sleep and felt pretty fresh.

Once we got there we signed in and started measuring up the competition. From the looks of it, we had a couple powerlifters and a few others who have done this show in the past. So it was looking to be a good show overall.

First up was the 19" silver dollar deadlift. this isn't one of my events. I have a good pull, but knowing that a bit over 600 is my max, I felt I would place mid pack on this one. 561 flew up easily as did 601. I was feeling good but after seeing a bunch of others put 661 as their final attempt... I tried too. I got it off the ground but couldn't finish the lift... My original plan was to attempt 641 last... but tried 661 and it cost me, 601 got me a tie for 9th. Not too bad, but not where I wanted to be.

Next was log press, 220 lbs log for reps with only needing one clean. I suck at overhead pressing, so i was hoping for 3 or 4 reps that would keep me in the hunt for a good placing. I nailed to tough reps. Not bad but I killed my legs trying to get those two. Good enough for 7th.

Third up was the 495 lbs frame carry. I thought it was for 75'... turns out it was for 150'. balls, but still no problem. I knew I was going to finish this. The pick up was quick and smooth, and after watching so many people struggle with the frame swaying side to side i used a short quick step approach. It worked well for me as I finished the 150' in just over 42 seconds. still in 7th.

Last was the 700 lbs tire flip for 75'. Again, this is one of my better events. I got a good start and kept the gas on the whole 60 seconds. about 35 seconds in my grip starting giving me problems and a few flips were slow. I ended up 3' from finishing. good enough for 6th.

Overall it was a good day. I placed about where I wanted to. I have shown that I have made huge gains this year and am hungry for the next step up into the field with the big boys.

Below is the video footage of the day.

1 comment:

  1. You did a great job, Mike. You've shown excellent gains in strength and performance from the last time I competed with you. Best wishes for your success in future comps.

