I know in my last post I said I was done for the year, well I am the decision to do one more this year, and this is a heavy ass one. I will more than likely come in last place, but with that said in no way am I going into it thinking that. I won't win, I know that. Ontario's Strongest man, Paul V., is competing and he is a damn machine. I won't beat him. I will though, give it all hell and make people go "DAMN!"
So in prep. I went and trained with a buddy who is damn stronger than me, but with his encouragement and just training with him I went from worried about the events to confident. I nailed some good Atlas stone work, moved a Yoke close to the contest weight (which at 900 lbs, 50 lbs doesn't make a huge difference) and I may not do so well on the log, but I'll at least be able to give it a damn good shot. The other two events I am not too worried about, I can pull heavy and am decent at the truck pull.
I'll have a full write up of the contest after I do it, unless it kills me... then well... shit.
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