I skipped updating my log lately as well I am damn busy. I have made two atlas stones, been training, working, and having a life. Shit son, I'm awesome.
Last week had my deadlift day. Key notes, pulled 325 x 13 like it was no thang and hit a 255 ATG front squat with no belt. Felt damn good.
May 24th
warm up
Plyo push ups 3 x 5
Football bar Bench
bar x 8
135 x 8
175 x 5,5,5,5,5,14 felt strong and these went up easy.
one arm DB rows
85 x 8
135 x 8,8,5,10(straps) per arm
seated DB overhead press
70 x 6
75 x 6
80 x 6
Football bar Pendlay rows
225 x 5
245 x 5,8
Felt gassed at this point as I cranked up the intensity.
Super setted EZ curls with skull crushers at 85 lbs x15,12
Prowler with 270 lbs on it for 75' runs x 10... I think. could have been 12. These felt gooooood. The runs are getting faster which is what I want. I'm gonna just tackle my competition at comps... Terry Tate style, look it up.
tried cardio, prowler flu started catching up to me. went and stretched and home.
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