Deload week is over, time to get back at it. 5 Rep cycle starts today.
Shitty day it was, 4 hours of waiting and $586 later, car fixed this morning, worked late to make it up and hit the gym.
Warm up with foam rolling, missed hamstrings.
Plyo box jumps
sitting to 24" box
bar x 8
135 x 8
225 x 5
245 x 3
275 x 1
285 x 5,5,5 (felt my hams tweak on rep 3), 5,5,8 racked then thought what the hell switched to low bar and repped out 5 more.
The hamstrings on both legs felt like they suffered minor pulls. I decided to give them a chance to work without real weight on them.
bar x 15,15,10
not too bad.
Bulgarian split squats
BW x 15,15 per leg.
Standing banded abs
3 sets of AMAP
Light cardio and stretching out those damn hammies.
Bad day went to shit, but the work got done.
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