Monday, 30 May 2011

May 30th, shit is getting real.

Getting close to a month until I compete. So time to watch my diet and not be a fat slob.

May 30th

Warm up with pvc rolling, yeah I finally remembered it.

High pulls
bar x lots
135 x 8
185 x 5
235 x 4
255 x 4,2 Getting better. Feeling confident about the barbarian load.

255 x 5
300 x 2
335 x 2
360 x 5,5,5,8 everything felt heavy today. Plus the lack of A/C in the gym made me a sweaty. chalky mess.

Front squats
bar x 8
135 x 8
185 x 5
205 x 1 The new tattoo did not like the weight on it, so it told me to go fuck myself. I stopped here.

18" rack pulls
405 x 3,6 first set was trying in an awkward stance to mimic power stairs, didn't work well.
445 x 4
495 x 3 Just gassed. i probably had more in me, but everything was feeling heavy today.

Farmer's walk
155 for 120'
205 for 60' x 2, well it was 120' with a drop turn
255 for 50' x 2 picks were slow, but the movement was strong. Not too shabby. Did a few extra picks.

farmer's shrugs
155 x 10,12

Side bends
90 x 15,15

Reverse hyper
90 x 10,10,8

Some cardio and stretch.

Not a bad day.

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