Tuesday, 17 May 2011

The countdown to New Liskeard

Well, I realized today my next competition is in a month and a half. It's time to bring it.

Warm up focusing on the shoulders

Plyo push ups off a low bench.
3x5 Easy stuff

Over head
Barbell x 8

Log empty (143) x 1,1
145 x 5,5,5,5,5,9 it felt nice and light in my hands, just gassed on the last set. Good pressing, nothing felt hard but worked my ass.

Pull downs
170-255 x 5 increasing 15 lbs per set

Banded pull ups
green band x 8

Incline bench
135 x 5
185 x 5,5,5,4 Felt good. Haven't done them in some time, I need to get back into the pressing mode.

Face pulls
75 x 15,15,12

Shoulder raises with 20 lbs of chains
2 x 10 side raises supersetted with rear raises.

Prowler runs
270 lbs for 60' x 10 And destroyed. No puke, but it killed me.

Stretch and home.

I am starting to kick the conditioning into high gear. it needs to be on like Donkey kong for the next few months. Three strongman shows and one powerlifting meet in four months, yeah I need to be on my game.

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