Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Long overdue post

Been a busy week and I've been a lazy shit. Training has been going well, hitting numbers I should and continuing on the right path. Competition in a week and a half.

Hit 195 x 11 regular barbell bench. Not too bad after not benching with a barbell in three months.  I am backing off on my training a bit as I am getting closer to the competition. I also did some farmers runs. 60' 225lbs per hand, drop turn, and 60' back was fast and felt good. Did a 60' run with 255 lbs per hand and feel that wearing runners are a better idea. I move faster with them on.

Tonight was squats, hit 350 x 5 easily and held off more than usual  because I decided to pull up the old heavy knee sleeves and hit some big squats, nailed a good 425 for 1. Not bad. the weight loss lately has made it so my knee sleeves fit better... and give less pop, so it was a good squat in my books.

So last week was the Toronto super show. It showcased bodybuilding, powerlifting, weightlifting, and strongman. There was also combat sports but that cost extra to get into and well... I was getting in free. Overall, it was small. I was surprised. I thought more vendors would be out, the show would be bigger and better deals on products. There were not much in the way of "good deals" maybe to some but I have been to the arnold's... prices were still too high for my liking.  There wasn't much in the way of anything really. Hopefully it grows over time.

The strongman shows were really well run. Hugo Girard knows how to run a show smoothly and he did quite well on the mic. The location wasn't all that great. The amount of room was small, so it meant many events had to be changed to fit the area. The first fo two shows was ontario's strongest man. The show was heavier than p[ast years and I think it was where it should be. The ontario boys need to step up to compete with the Quebec boys. It was a tough battle but Paul Vaillancourt won for the third year in a row with Kyle Rayner taking second. I think it showed that you need to be both strong and have the endurance to be on the national stage, something most of the ontario guys aren't used to.  I think a lot of the guys will regroup and step up next year after this. There are some hungry competitors wanting to show everyone what they are made of.

The second day was the first leg of the North American Strongman challenges. It was even heavier and showcased some of Canada's top strongmen. I thought the events were in an odd order. the first three events were all grip events. Kind of hard on the hands but it showed some serious grit to go through all three. The highlight was Jessen Paulin winning the wheelbarrow at 2200 lbs with a young kid on it too. Next was max log press. This was won by Scott Cummine hitting a 390 log, damn impressive. Overall Cristian Savoie won the show, proving to still be Canada's strongest man. The thing is Scott Cummine, JF Caron, and Jacki Ouellet all showed that they could steal that title with one slip up.

It was a fun two days to be part of. I took tons of pics and can be seen in the links below.

osm 2011

NASM 2011

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