Friday, 22 April 2011

Learning to breathe and what else I do wrong.

Friday morning and it's time to remember last night.

April 21st

Warm up
Some funky push ups for dynamic activation.... it works

Over head press (push press)
Football bar
bar x 10
95 x 5
115 x 3
125 x 3
Moved over to my log
143 x 1 for the feel of it.
145(148) x 8,8,10
All felt good, but my quads are still fried from earlier in the week. So by rep 6 on each set they were screaming from the push. Also found out that at rep 8, I am out of breath. I am not used to the log crushing my chest, so at 8 I dropped the log and recovered, cleaned the log up and repped out 2 more.

Pulldowns, the spot I do pullups was taken by a guy doing box jumps. I don't argue, it looked kinda badass.

165 x 8
180 x 8
195 x 8
210 x 8
225 x 8
Fat gripz
135 x 8,8

Titan Ram on
135 x 10
185 x 8
205 x 8
225 x 6
Triceps done.
DB bench
65 x 10
80 x 7
Did this for shits and giggles... yeah I suck at them... I never do them.

100 x 10,10,10

Shoulder raises
To make these better and more beast mode like, did them with 20 lbs of chains.
front super setted with rears x 8,8
hold for 30 seconds or so. This blasted my shoulders. The movement of the chains made them harder and I like that, plus I looked like a crazy motherfucker. Awesome.

Sled pulls
180 x 60' x 2
205 x 75' x 4 The man(woman?) at the end of the shipping driveway moved their van, so longer pulling for me.

This was easy,  but felt hard enough for me to feel them working.

Light cardio and stretch.

Hit up a local burger place that is supposed to be good.  It is called the burger priest. As from a earlier blog... I love burgers. This place was different than the last place. While Woody's was bringing burgers to a more gourmet level of eating while still being what it is, a hand food. This place brought it back to the 1950's era of highway burger joints. I grabbed the double double and took it to my car to shove in my food hole. It was a bit messy and it came in a little wax paper bag. There was only the condiments you expected to find at a road side place available, but it was a bite of Americana. It brought back memories of trips to the trailer in the summer as a young boy, stopping at the local burger place to get real milkshakes and a burger on the way up. It was the summer treat on a sunny day where you knew that in no way was this good, but damn you enjoyed it. It was sloppy and nothing extravagant but it was a old school burger. Their fries kinda sucked though. Beyond that, my issue was the price. I got better quality from Woody's for cheaper. The size was smaller and well... it cost more. Improve the fries and then I won't mind paying the $15 for a combo. With that said, next up on the food hole: pizza.

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