Thursday, 28 April 2011

A wild competition appears!

April 28th

warm up with lots of foam rolling

Squat jumps
bar x 5,5,5
took a rack in the back, far from the boxes for jumps. Did these instead.

bar x 10
135 x 8
195 x 5
235 x 3
275 x 2
295 x 1
315 x 11(belt)  I wanted 12 BUT when I unracked it didn't feel quite right. I continued to squat anyways, didn't bug me until rep 8. My upper back lost its tightness. Once I lost it, it became harder to hold my body upright. These were still good as I am still squatting high bar style.  I belted because I wanted to spare my back for sunday (more on this in a bit).

SSB seated GMs
bar x 10,10 was setting the rack as there was a pause at the bottom of reach rep as the bar rested on the safety catches.
135 x 10
175 x 10
205 x 10 And back was on fire.... so much for saving my back.

SSB Bulgarian split squats
bar x 10,10 each leg.

Ab work
decline sit ups
BW x10
10 lbs plate behind head x 15
standing band abs with average band x 20,15
Found how to get a good workout finally doing these.

DB overhead push press
worked up to 100 x 1 each arm, nothing big.

bw x 15,12

Stretch and shut it all down.

I am preserving myself because.... I am competing sunday! Started as me going to pick up a set of farmer's handles and turned into me competing at a highland games. I wanted to not over do it as if I worked myself into the ground tonight, I would bomb on sunday. A full write will follow sunday night.

Overal a good workout, I noticed the loss of upper back tightness squatting. This comes from time spent under the bar and knowing what is the problem during the movement. The more you understand how to do an exercise, the better you become at it AND the easier it becomes to figure out where you are weak. From there you can fix the weakness.  If you don't know where you are having problems, find someone to give you pointers. Someone watching can always help. If no one is available, video tape it and send it to someone who knows (Like me). Never be afraid to ask for help, people will help those looking to get better.Now go squat until you puke!

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