Saturday, 9 April 2011

Travelling to the Degoba system and how to quit being lazy...

Woke up early this saturday morning to go train at the anvil. This is rare... I hate saturday mornings... to me they haven't existed since I played hockey.

Reason I went was to meet with Yoda (Clint Harwood).  Unlike the real yoda, Clint isn't small and green, but he is pretty all knowing. Trained my deload bench

135 x 5
155 x 5
155 x 5

Slipped on my titan ram


Clint gave me  a bunch of tips for where my form and technique were coming apart. Again, learn from those who know. Quit listening to the dickbag you know who someone lost weight by drinking his own urine... it doesn't work. Listen to those who have tried and failed, then came back to excel after learning how to get the most out of their abilities.

Also did some farmer's holds.

Worked up to 250 in hands... was getting probably 20 seconds per hold. grip not failing... hands just aren't used to the weight in hands right now.

Now how to quit being lazy. Think of something you enjoy, something that's free. (Sex isn't free if you have to pay for it) For me, I like to hike. It's calming and guess what? damn easy! All I have to do is walk! simple isn't it? Today was one of the first good days outside that I went for a hike. I drove out to the niagara region and walked the rockway falls trail.

For me, this is a no brainer. I got up out of my house, didn't care what I wore (I was alone and in the woods, who cares if I was wearing a name brand shirt?), and no one bothered me. I took it at my own pace and if I needed to stop I did.

By doing something you love, be it biking, rollerblading, walking, or swimming, you get active and it doesn't feel like the routine of the gym. If you are looking for a break from the gym, get outside. You'll feel better and you will actually do something with your day. You'll also not be tempted by that giant bag of oreos... do it or be fat.

1 comment:

  1. I like to walk with a weighted of those things I learned from someone who knows. I used to do a lot of running, but then was given the suggestion: throw a couple of plates (start small) in a back pack and, doi! It really gets my heart rate up, but isn't as hard on my knees. Plus, I get to be outside. I still like to trail run on occasion without the pack!
