Monday, 4 April 2011

This is why we're fat...

As the days pass and I see more and more people crying and whining about being overweight, I start to wonder why these people are whining so much? We live in nation where they print the damn calories per serving on the labels for you. They took most of the guess work out of it and told you, only put this much in your food hole fatty!

Then again, it is also because of restaurant food. One thing most people tend to overlook when eating out is that this food is full of fat and sugar... with more fat and sugar put onto it. We are talking Paula Deen level butter here. That shit is the flavour that we all oh so love.

So my tip of the week, keep your asses out of restaurants unless you have a celebration and when in there, be smart! if there is an option to add to your meal, don't take it. Get the salad instead of the potato with more grease on top than in your dirty uncle's hair.

Now with that out of the way, here is why i'm fat. Woody's Burgers bar and grill

I visited them this past friday. Now before i get into it, Toronto seems to have a new obsession with burgers. Gourmet burger joints are everywhere, and I mean everywhere. I feel so overwhelmed with these greaseballs, I feel like I am stuck in woodbridge. So a really good review is going to hard to come by with me, these places are now a dime a dozen.

As I walked into the place, a familar smell fills the air and I couldn't quite figure it out until I sat down... they are cooking over actually fire, it is a wood grill. I look around and this tiny place, about 75% kitchen is packed! so I grab a menu and hunt for my meat of choice.

I find the specialty burgers and think, fuck it, time to gorge like a mad man. I look for a huge ass burgers, but none are to be found. No selling of the ultimate 24 oz. burger of death, so that is a plus. i'm not going to O.D. on meat tonight. Settle on the Coronary burger: a stuffed cheese burger with bacon, fried onions, a fried egg, more cheese, and mayo.

I order and eager wait for my food. I get called and they ask me what I want to add... there looks to be a good 30 condiments to add... dumbfounded, I just say everything. in the end it looks like this.

I squeeze it down and attempt to shove it in my foodhole... barely fits. damn, first bite I get cheese, egg, bacon, tomato, and smokey goodness... The addition of an egg was new to me, the yolk added a lovely richness to the burger. The meat was flavourful and cooked perfectly. Everything added to the burger but nothing seemed to take away from actual burger as it sometimes happens.

Once finished with the burger and my sweet potato fries, I was stuffed and satisfied. I felt my powerlifting gut was growing and I was reading to train strongman the next day.

The place is highly recommended by myself, as the food was excellent, the prices were cheap, and it is walking distance from my house. While the claim of best burger in toronto hasn't been proven, so far it is the best I have had around this burger bloated metropolis.


  1. Wow! It looks fabulous! I'm kind of glad there isn't one around here. I'll just keep cooking my Fakes Soupa...maybe someday I'll even share!

  2. haha, one day... I only gorge once in awhile on these. Special treat for those "cheat" days.

  3. I've never heard of a fried egg on a hamburg. I may have to try that sometime.
