Last workout of my current wave of the juggernaut system, so we'll look tomorrow at how it has worked out so far.
April 4th
Warm up, with the focus mainly being on my lats and my shoulders. Rotator cuff health is key after fucking up both of them in the past two years...
Football bar bench
bar x 10
95 x 5
115 x 5
135 x 3
160 x 1
170 x 14 oh the pump... The set felt good, probably could have grinded out one or two more but it isn't what you COULD do, it is what you did. No one ever cares what you could do or be, it is was you are.
DB rows
75x10 warm up
120x10,10,10,18 lifting straps on last set. I love my new ironmind lifting straps. These things have no give like others I have used and don't dig in as badly into my wrists. I highly recommend them if you are going to use them.
DB Over Head Press (seated)
70x9 Nothing special.
Football bar Pendlay Rows
225 x 5,5
275 x 4,3
these felt like shit. the 275 felt like trying to continue nailing a fat chick after sobering up enough to realize what you brought home from the bar... heavy and painful to see.
DB flies
30lbs per hand until it burned
Band pull overs
green band(?) until it burned. Not sure of the tension on it, but it was for muscle fatigue.
light cardio and long stretch.
Opted for the elliptical over the prowler as someone was welding in the back alley and no way I'm getting welder's flash.
Now on to the barefoot pansies. I watched a video about barefoot running today... really???
I understand that from an evolutionary standpoint, we weren't meant to wear shoes, BUT we have for so long, we are adapted to it... it's that little thing called EVOLUTION. Also, these buggers try to tell us people are meant to run like this, oh and they do it for long distances. They can go shove their Pachouli incense loving, dirt covered, hemp rolled bullshit back up their asses. Yes, we evolve to be on our feet with no shoes, but to WALK long distances, not run them. We are meant to run short bursts like all other hunters in the food chain. Look at a cheetah, you think it runs a long distance? only if its food can run it too. They use up so much energy running that distance. Same with all other hunters of the animal kingdom.
If you hippies want glass and dogshit on your feet, go nuts... I'll wear my comfy shoes.
P.S. Vibrams are shoes you pansies, don't try to fuck with me and say you are barefoot in those...
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