Monday, 25 April 2011

Random Rant

Last training session was saturday and it was events... not very eventful. Technique stuff for the coming competitions.

Few updates: First is due to rough times in my own life (not telling you what) but not much rant worthy yelling going on in my head. Lately motivation and the reasons for doing what i do have been thinking of.  I personally battle with Clinical depression. It is an on going thing where some days it is worse than others. Most people in the strength world don't admit to these things as well... this is all about being as strong as possible and people see depression as a mental weakness.

It is my fight with this that motivates me. I push myself to combat the pain of my life, to reward my little victories in life, and to elevate my mood. I feel on top of the world after a good workout, and even if I have a bad workout (squats last tuesday) I come out of it with a sense of accomplishment as I still got my lazy ass into the gym and worked it. I didn't quit, I know that it is hard and yeah I sometimes want to be a pussy and stop. I won't let myself though.

Long time ago I was fat, I spent my time doing nothing, no real direction in my life. I didn't have any real life goals. I was doing a degree in university in a subject I enjoyed but no career ambitions. Everything came to a head when my uncle tragically passed. He was there for me when I was young and in his passing, I passed the point of numbness. No amount of booze could make me feel better... nothing did., except self "torture". This torture was me going to the gym 6 days a week and busting my ass for 2 hours a day. I worked out to feel better, and it made me feel better, a lot better. By the time I finally came to grips with everything, it was four months later and I have dropped 50 pounds. From there i moved onto getting into better shape. I had a goal.

This goal setting, and re setting, is what started me into the strength world. To fast track about three years, I always loved WSM on tv and said, I'm athletic... can I do that? I gave it a shot... I bombed my first comp. I got beat by a guy who injured himself on the first event and only got 2 points... i finished with 1 point in dead last. I loved it though. I started learning more about how to train for strength and learned about how it isn't brute strength that wins strongman, it is heart.

It is that passion and heart that I thrive off of now. It pushes me beyond where I thought possible four years ago, and it keeps me feeling good about myself.  It also teaches me to be patient with myself and to listen to my body. With a healthy body comes a healthy mind.

that's what motivates me. I am active on different forums and I see other peoples awesome stories. Some have their faith to guide them, other it is a will to become better, what motivates you and keeps you from being a pansy ass quitter?

Oh and BTW, I am now sponsored(?), well at least in cahoots with I have a discount code with them, mm25 , that'll get anyone 25% off their supplements. Their stuff rocks, and I don't just say this because I get discounts. I'll review some of their stuff in the future but I will say this, I like stuff that works and cuts out the bullshit. They do this. They offer everything you really need to train harder, recover faster, and stay on track with your good diet without over charging you. their protein is cheap and high quality. I love (no i really do) their chocolate flavour protein. I am going to be using their CarbBOOM! product as a competition glycogen refiller and an energy source. And best of all, they are Canadian. No border screw ups, no long waits, I order it and it is here two to three days later. Oh and their customer service people are really nice too, then again almost all companies I have dealt with in the fitness community have been nice, but the others weren't supplement providers they were equipment companies.

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