Saturday, 8 October 2011

Beer, german food, and heavy shit

My alarm goes off at 6:30 am and I don't want to get out of bed...

It's the Bavarian strongman challenge and I have to be there for 10:30, only an hour away but I give myself time to slowly get ready. Fuck it, I'm a lazy bum and hit snooze until 8:30. Slam back a good breakfast of oatmeal, natural peanut butter, and protein powder and hit the road. On the way there I start to get nervous. This is my first time competing at this level and I don't know how I'll do (probably last).

10 am I arrive in Kitchener, stoked and scared but hell I'll give'r hard and fuck the scoreboard. Show up, find a place to set up and wait... long wait but that was expected. We go over the rules, pick out the starting order and I draw second, fuck.

First event is the truck pull. Harness and rope to pull a 40,000 pound truck 100'. First guy goes and smokes the course in about 33 seconds. I think that this won't be too bad. I harness up, set up and start. My start was slow, took a bit to get the truck going but once it was going, I was going good. I got caught up trying to keep handling the rope and I wasn't sure if it cost me time but the start is where I need work. Finished with a time of 35.96 seconds.

Next was log. 270 clean and press every rep. Shit, best I've done is a 245 log, so this was to be interesting. I cleaned the log, gave it a shot... but no go. Not enough warm up and it just was too heavy for me today. Big fat Zero.

Next was a medley of duck walk and farmers. 400 pound duck walk for 80' then 270 pounds per hand farmers back. I was a bit worried as in training the 275 farmers felt heavy to pick, but the handles were high so my worries went away. I smoked the duck walk, I think, but it drained my quads. I was able to move the farmers about 16' but didn't have the energy to finish. Not too bad but wanted more out of the farmers. I need to work on my conditioning at these higher weights.

Fourth was the 800 pounds yoke walk. I did this in training with eric, so I felt good at this weight.  I psyched up and got under that bad boy, it just felt heavy. I couldn't move with it, my quads were fried. My hips kept popping forward when picking it up, but I kept at it. I only got like 11', but hell I tried.

Last was stones, oh those atlas stones... 5 stones 185,275,300,330,360. I felt that I am good for four out of the five. I tape up and tacky up... way too early, but meh. I am using my PR tacky, that stuff can warm up on my skin and get nice and sticky. I go up, I nailed the first one, lift and nail the second. The third, I got up but couldn't see the podium. Luckily I had eric shouting that I was good, so I got it up. Onto the 330, now I can make excuses that my tacky wore out and wasn't sticky (and it did) but it is no real good reason to not nail this stone. I just couldn't nail it. Three out of the five, I wanted four but got three.

I ended the day in last place, it sounds bad but I walked away from this as a learning experience. I got lots of tips and information from the other competitors and feel I showed my mettle today. No one can take that from me.

So where does this leave me? It leaves me hungry, hungry for so much more. I want to compete at this level again. I want to smash some serious weight. I know where to work on. My pressing needs to be hammered and so does my conditioning. Some technique work too but I have a good base of people to train with and learn from. 2012 will be a good year for me.

Monday, 26 September 2011

I'm so full of shit

I know in my last post I said I was done for the year, well I am the decision to do one more this year, and this is a heavy ass one. I will more than likely come in last place, but with that said in no way am I going into it thinking that. I won't win, I know that. Ontario's Strongest man, Paul V., is competing and he is a damn machine. I won't beat him. I will though, give it all hell and make people go "DAMN!"

So in prep. I went and trained with a buddy who is damn stronger than me, but with his encouragement and just training with him I went from worried about the events to confident. I nailed some good Atlas stone work, moved a Yoke close to the contest weight (which at 900 lbs, 50 lbs doesn't make a huge difference) and I may not do so well on the log, but I'll at least be able to give it a damn good shot. The other two events I am not too worried about, I can pull heavy and am decent at the truck pull.

I'll have a full write up of the contest after I do it, unless it kills me... then well... shit.

Monday, 19 September 2011

Last competition of the year and looking forward

Just for the record, I hate making weight. I just hate it. I know i am able to very easily as I am basically at 275 and have been for a long time but I tried out the whole sauna and dehydration thing and did it ever suck ass.

So this weekend was my last competition of the year, and it being a powerlifting meet, it was a good end. I started with a powerlifting one back in February and ended here.

Leading up to the meet I knew I was sitting right at the cusp of 275 so I decided that I needed to make sure I met the weight class, so I did a dry cut, basically made sure not to drink much liquid after guzzling it down the days before. Friday I stopped fluids and tried to sleep, it was shitty. I was cramping and coughing from a cold. Wake up saturday hating life and hit the sauna. this was to test my tolerance as I already was under 275 in the morning. I was only able to last three 20 minutes sessions before wanting to kill all humans and consume their flesh. Oh, and drink their blood to rehydrate. Plus the cold wasn't helping.

I made my way over to the meet area for weigh ins after saturday's lifting, not happy to wait for three hours, but fuck I had little other choices. once my grumpy dance was over it was time to rehydrate. Slam back four Costco brand gaterades and some water. Also ate some apples and some carbs to refeed, cramps in abs not going away... apparently I strained my abs golfing, who the fuck does that? me it appears. Fuck it, it's food time.

My dinner in a few hours was at a Brazilian Rodizio. anyone who doesn't know what that is, it's a Brazilian steakhouse where they give you as much yummy meat as you can handle. It was a mutha fuckin' feast of meat! I kept from over doing it, but damn it was good. I was good to go the next day.

Sunday comes I make my way over to the meet, abs a bit better but still a cold. I was not going to let it affect me. I had my lifts planned and I stuck to them. While warming up for squats my quads were bugging me and feeling sore. It didn't seem to be a problem though as my squats seemed fine. I get ready go up for my opener and after I unrack it hits me, I didn't close the lever on my belt. I said 'fuck it' in my head and go for it, 185 KG flies up. I laugh at it and get ready for my second attempt. 200 kg on the bar, the walk out feels good, heavy but good. I got a red light on the first attempt so I made sure to bury this one. Had to fight it up after a sticking point but no collapse of the upper back. Good for three whites. Third attempt was 210 kg, just wasn't there today.

Next was bench. during warm ups my shoulders were bugging me and the weight were feeling heavy, balls. Sucked it up and stuck with the plan, opened at a low 110 kg, and smoked it. Felt good actually, so went with 120 kg next. It was a bit of a fight but it went up. Attempted 125 kg last but again, didn't go. I was cramping a lot when setting up for the bench and that threw me off a bit, but I went through it and knew I wasn't going to hit anything huge today.

Last was the deadlifts. The day was starting to get to me, felt a bit drained but ready to pull something big. Warming up the pulls felt good, nothing was heavy or hard. Went out to pull 210 kg as my opener and it flew up. Felt really good, stuck to the plan and went for 230 kg. Stepped in and muscled it out, three whites. By now I had beaten my law meet total of 45 kg. Pretty good improvement in just seven months. My third attempt was 236 kg as it would have been a national record, but not pull.

Overall a good day, did the sickness screw me up? could I have done better at 100%, who knows. I won't make excuses, I did my best and came out with a total that was 45 kg over my last meet. It's time now to go back, find where I need to work on and just build more strength and speed for next year. I'm too beaten up to compete again any time soon, so I shall relax a bit.

Monday, 12 September 2011

One step closer to the big dance

That is one more step closer to competing at Ontario's Strongest man. That is my goal for next year, I''m shooing high.

So This weekend was the Law enforcement and fire games in Belleville, the strongman event. Leading up to the event I was feeling strong but also a bit nervous as I had let my strongman stuff take a backseat to powerlifting. I pack up, drive down, and get my shit in order.

It was a good day to have it. It was nice and warm, sunny, and no big winds. The venue was good, a nice big parking lot with a park behind it, unfortunately the crowd was small. I didn't care, I was there to prove that I am an up and comer, along with some others there.

First event was the truck pull, 20,000 pound fire truck using a harness and rope. For me, I was not concerned at all with this event. I am strong in my legs and have been doing heavy prowler pushes all year. My start was slow but once I got it moving I motored. I had one slip near the end as the rope was thin and I lost my rhythm in my pulling. Finished at 28.91 seconds which tied me for 8th. Now that doesn't sound so good until you realize that first was 24.19, so the separation in the times was close throughout. Points were not coming easy today. Overall, I felt good with it

Next was log press for max weight, last man standing rules. Every one did the weight and if you failed, you were done. We started at 200, pressed no problem, the next jump was to 240. My first thought, "fuck". I had been having log press problems all summer, I wanted a 220 next not 240. So when my turn came up I did what I always do in this situation, get fucking mad at the weight. the clean felt really good and the first attempt, too far out. Regrouped with the log on my chest, dipped and nailed the 240 log. I was damn pleased. heaviest log press to date, and a 40 pound PR from last summer. I tried 260, got it to my chest but no go on the press. Good for a tie for 5th.

Next event was the police cruiser push, which was a mini van 50 ft and then a suv 50 ft. Again, no worries here as I have been doing my prowler work. I set a good pace and felt that it was a good run but it was in 44.86 seconds, again good for 8th. Not too happy but eh. can't argue it, it was a good run.

Last event was the atlas stone to 56" for reps. I got to choose either a 255 pound stone or a 300 pound stone. I went for the 300 pounder, no guts no glory. In the end, I shit the bed on this event. I got a big goose egg of a 0. I got the stone up to the lip twice fairly easy, but my inexperience with stones showed, I was too far back when attempting to get it on the platform and it cost me here.

I finished 9th out of 12 and this is with a zero on the last event. I think that I did well, I have gained a lot of strength and just have to keep at it. I saw no real weakness over inexperience this time out. So I now have a winter to heal up and get stronger.

The one thing I took away from this day was always man the fuck up and give it your all. In no way are you going to get anywhere without putting it all out there and doing your best. I got a zero on an event, so what? I could have done the 255 stone and got points, but that wasn't what I trained for. I'm not going to go out and sell myself short of what I can do.  i'm pumped about how I feel I did, and am ready for this upcoming weekend's powerlifting competition. so get out there and fucking lift heavy shit. no one is gonna be impressed with your 135 for 15.

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Nearing the end

Well I am getting close to the end of my competition season. I have said fuck it to the long training session to make way for my upcoming powerlifting meet. Why do I need to pull 440 7 times when I am going to only pull three weights? doesn't make sense.

Right now I am working up to doubles or singles. This week was a 425 squat so far, today is hopefully a 240 log, and tomorrow a 505 deadlift. I want to be able to hit a 240 or 250 log on sept. 10th, so shooting for it this week will do me some good. I have a lot of power and technique, I feel confident with getting under a 240 log.

The deadlift should fly up. I am training my CNS to handle the weights right now. Everything else seems to be in place and hopefully I can take back two of my four records on the 17th.

Monday, 15 August 2011

Back from the dead

I know it's been over a month, but other parts of my life have gotten in the way. I just haven't felt like blogging.

This past saturday was my second competition of the year. This was a bit heavier than the one in New Liskeard and just as tough. It was in woodstock ontario, and the day itself was great. not too hot and it didn't rain.

The day started off well, with my nagging back and stiff right calf feeling good for once, I carbed up and headed off to grab two other team members. I was feeling good, I got lots of sleep and felt pretty fresh.

Once we got there we signed in and started measuring up the competition. From the looks of it, we had a couple powerlifters and a few others who have done this show in the past. So it was looking to be a good show overall.

First up was the 19" silver dollar deadlift. this isn't one of my events. I have a good pull, but knowing that a bit over 600 is my max, I felt I would place mid pack on this one. 561 flew up easily as did 601. I was feeling good but after seeing a bunch of others put 661 as their final attempt... I tried too. I got it off the ground but couldn't finish the lift... My original plan was to attempt 641 last... but tried 661 and it cost me, 601 got me a tie for 9th. Not too bad, but not where I wanted to be.

Next was log press, 220 lbs log for reps with only needing one clean. I suck at overhead pressing, so i was hoping for 3 or 4 reps that would keep me in the hunt for a good placing. I nailed to tough reps. Not bad but I killed my legs trying to get those two. Good enough for 7th.

Third up was the 495 lbs frame carry. I thought it was for 75'... turns out it was for 150'. balls, but still no problem. I knew I was going to finish this. The pick up was quick and smooth, and after watching so many people struggle with the frame swaying side to side i used a short quick step approach. It worked well for me as I finished the 150' in just over 42 seconds. still in 7th.

Last was the 700 lbs tire flip for 75'. Again, this is one of my better events. I got a good start and kept the gas on the whole 60 seconds. about 35 seconds in my grip starting giving me problems and a few flips were slow. I ended up 3' from finishing. good enough for 6th.

Overall it was a good day. I placed about where I wanted to. I have shown that I have made huge gains this year and am hungry for the next step up into the field with the big boys.

Below is the video footage of the day.

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Been a long time coming...

I've been lazy lately and haven't updated. Fuck it, I can update when I feel like it!

I actually have been dealing with personal things, so my training logs and blog have been lacking, but I have still been training like a mofo.

So my 20 week extended version of the Juggernaut training system is over. How are my lifts looking? all up by 10% or more. I gain a lot of power and stamina while training it. The incorporation of all types of lifting with an actual progression of the main lifts helped build a really good strength base. I also tackled my weaknesses.

I had a weak upper back which was causing problems on my deads and squats. Working hard with good mornings brought that up. I hit my triceps hard to improve my log and bench numbers. I also have loved the use of the prowler as it has given me way more conditioning than I had in previous years.

coming up I have three competitions in twos months. I am going to stick with the program and do the waves of 5s and 3s to keep my CNS good for heavy weights but I am also going to make sure to peak right before the last competition as it is the only powerlifting competition.

I have video of my performance in New liskeard and will post it once it is uploaded. Again, I am a lazy bastard that would rather look at porn.

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Long overdue post

Been a busy week and I've been a lazy shit. Training has been going well, hitting numbers I should and continuing on the right path. Competition in a week and a half.

Hit 195 x 11 regular barbell bench. Not too bad after not benching with a barbell in three months.  I am backing off on my training a bit as I am getting closer to the competition. I also did some farmers runs. 60' 225lbs per hand, drop turn, and 60' back was fast and felt good. Did a 60' run with 255 lbs per hand and feel that wearing runners are a better idea. I move faster with them on.

Tonight was squats, hit 350 x 5 easily and held off more than usual  because I decided to pull up the old heavy knee sleeves and hit some big squats, nailed a good 425 for 1. Not bad. the weight loss lately has made it so my knee sleeves fit better... and give less pop, so it was a good squat in my books.

So last week was the Toronto super show. It showcased bodybuilding, powerlifting, weightlifting, and strongman. There was also combat sports but that cost extra to get into and well... I was getting in free. Overall, it was small. I was surprised. I thought more vendors would be out, the show would be bigger and better deals on products. There were not much in the way of "good deals" maybe to some but I have been to the arnold's... prices were still too high for my liking.  There wasn't much in the way of anything really. Hopefully it grows over time.

The strongman shows were really well run. Hugo Girard knows how to run a show smoothly and he did quite well on the mic. The location wasn't all that great. The amount of room was small, so it meant many events had to be changed to fit the area. The first fo two shows was ontario's strongest man. The show was heavier than p[ast years and I think it was where it should be. The ontario boys need to step up to compete with the Quebec boys. It was a tough battle but Paul Vaillancourt won for the third year in a row with Kyle Rayner taking second. I think it showed that you need to be both strong and have the endurance to be on the national stage, something most of the ontario guys aren't used to.  I think a lot of the guys will regroup and step up next year after this. There are some hungry competitors wanting to show everyone what they are made of.

The second day was the first leg of the North American Strongman challenges. It was even heavier and showcased some of Canada's top strongmen. I thought the events were in an odd order. the first three events were all grip events. Kind of hard on the hands but it showed some serious grit to go through all three. The highlight was Jessen Paulin winning the wheelbarrow at 2200 lbs with a young kid on it too. Next was max log press. This was won by Scott Cummine hitting a 390 log, damn impressive. Overall Cristian Savoie won the show, proving to still be Canada's strongest man. The thing is Scott Cummine, JF Caron, and Jacki Ouellet all showed that they could steal that title with one slip up.

It was a fun two days to be part of. I took tons of pics and can be seen in the links below.

osm 2011

NASM 2011

Thursday, 16 June 2011

just not feeling it tonight

Just feeling like crap. Drained I guess.

June 16th

High pulls
85 x 5
135 x 5
205 x 4
255 x 3,1

275 x 5
315 x 5
360 x 3,3,3,3,3,3,7 All were full stop and reset reps. 
405 x 1
455 x 1
475 x 1
SSB squats
155 x 10
155 plus 40 lbs of chains x 10
155 plus 100 lbs of chains x 10,8


trap bar shrugs
130 x 20
220 x 15,12,10

two sets with the grappler for the obliques

Reverse hyper
30 lbs x 10,10

Just wasn't feeling it today

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Here comes the pain

Two days of not logging my training.
Hit a solid eight reps on 315 leaving a bunch in the tank. The real good thing there was the fact that they were all crisp fast reps. Form was dead on and they felt damn good.

After busting my ass, I came home to have to move one of the atlas stones I am selling over to someone else's house. While getting into my car, I tweaked my right shoulder. It's been hurting ever since, and clicking... as if it isn't in the socket correctly. Fuck balls.

Today Was overhead with the log. I took it "easy" and only hit the required reps. Kept it light afterwards. Everything is progressing well but I am off to the chiropractor about my shoulder tomorrow. Hopefully all goes well, today just was a drain on me.

Thursday, 9 June 2011

No rest for the wicked

Feeling pretty mangled from yesterday, still gave it a good kick in the junk.

June 9th

Warm up

Plyo push ups
BW x 3,4,5

Football bar bench
bar x 10
125 x 5
150 x 3
170 x 2
185 x 1
200 x 1
210 x 8 Surprised at this as my back was fried from deadlifting yesterday.

DB rows
85 x 10 feeling it in my back, kept it light
100 x 10
105 x 10
110 x 10
Straps on
110 x 20

DB seated overhead press
45 x 12
55 x 12
60 x 10 Again, kept it light.

Seated rows
160 x 10
185 x 10
200 x 10

Band tricep extensions x 15,12
DB hammer curls 30 lbs x 20,15

Prowler with 180 lbs for 50' x 8 (all high handles except one)

Stretch and home

I am the black wizards

I know I should write everything out but I'm lazy today.

June 8th
Worked up to a 395 x 9 deadlift set. Felt damn strong too.
Pulled a 605 rack pull from just above the knee.
And sweated like choir boy after sermon.

I wanted to take some time to put some of my thoughts out there. first one is a small rant about I normally order my protein from these guys. They also offer a bunch of other products too. I like them as they cut all the crap out of buying the name brand junk loaded with sugar and lets you bulk order products. they are cheap, fast, and have great customer service. Their chocolate whey protein actually tastes good and it mixes well. That is rare for a cheap price protein. The big thing they did lately was they had hit a problem with one of the suppliers that they couldn't get BCAAs. So when I ordered it, instead they sent me a name brand BCAA product as a replacement. that is beyond what they would need to do. They also tend to include free samples with larger orders too. Honestly, they make good stuff that works and doesn't make your wallet cry. Give them a shot, you'll like them.

Next is the keyboard warrior trolls. Lots of people like to give negative comments but not many like to give positive ones. A great example is the 1000 lb squat from Rob Wilkerson. I don't care if people think it was "high" or not. He had three judges watching, who saw more than we do in a video, and they said he hit it. Sounds legit to me. I think that more people need to quit focusing on what others are doing and being negative about it and more time on getting inspiration from it and moving up and on to bigger and better things.

This is the squat in question.

Last is about mental health. I can openly say that one I deal with both depression and anxiety. I do take medication for both and I also see a therapist. To me my well being is a huge part of my life. I have come to realize that talking and asking for help doesn't make you weak. I have my problems, and no won't go into them here, but trying to sort them out on my own and NOT talking about them got me no where. I feel that in the strength community, it is frowned upon to talk about these things. It leads to suicides, drug abuse, and alcoholism. Opening up can be a hard thing, I know how hard it is, but it is something I feel everyone needs to do. So spend some time thinking about what matters to you, think of what and why something bothers you, and talk about your feelings and emotions. Seriously, do it. Women will love it and you will feel better.

On a short tag on, next week is the toronto Supershow. Expect pictures and a write up.

Monday, 6 June 2011

deloading is for suckers...

Skipping my deload next week. I have a comp. soon... sooooo no deload for me.

June 6th

Warm up

Plyo pushups

Football bar overhead
bar x 10
105 x 5
125 x 3
Switched to the log
145 x 2
155 x 1
165 x 1
175 x 8 gassed at 7 recleaned and got one more out.
190 x 1 for the fuck of it.

Worked up to 255 for 50' x 2 I am working on speed here. No point in going heavier as I am not going to see anything heavier this year.

Close grip pull downs
180 x 8
195 x 8
210 x 8
225 x 5

Incline bench
135 x 6
155 x 6
185 x 6,6,6

Face pulls
80 x 12,12,12

Lateral raises
30lbs x 10,8 in different directions

Cardio and stretch.

Not bad. My heart wasn't totally in the farmers today. I got the work in, it was needed.

Thursday, 2 June 2011

AMAP squats... Challenge accepted

June 2nd

I don't know what was with me, but damn I felt good today. Seriously attacked the weights today. My setup was perfect and it felt like a good day.

Warm up with PVC rolling

Box jumps
24" x 5
30" x 4 lost my concentration and stopped there.

Squats (high bar)

bar x 8
135 x 8
205 x 5
245 x 3
285 x 2
305 x 1
325 x 1
Belt on
345 x 8
Low bar for another 2. Damn felt good. I think one was a bit high, but fuck it. I was hoping for 10 but I have high hopes, 8 is fucking mint. The last two are not counted in as I took a 30 second breather before doing them.

155 x 10
205 x 8
225 x 6
155 x 10

Leg press
6 plates a side x 10
7 plates a side x 10
8 plates a side x 10

Abs with the big blue band x 15, 15
BW incline abs x 15,10

GHR x 15,12,10

Prowler push/pull medley with 270 x 3. The back lane was so dusty I got no traction... sucked ass.
Dropped to 180 for 2 more runs.

Cardio and totally forgot to stretch.

Felt strong today and I like that. My stability under the bar is through the roof right now, legs need to get used to pushing heavier weight.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

RARG! give'r.

June 1st

Warm up with shoulder work.

Band push outs.
Green band x 9,8,10 Fast and hard

Football bar bench
bar x 10
135 x 7
160 x 2
180 x 2
190 x 5,5,5,11 Damn I scary somedays. These felt easy.

DB rows
90 x 10
135 x 8,8,(straps on)10,10 Grip was shitty today. More grip work needed.

DB seated overhead
70 x 6
75 x 8,7 Different seat, different result. Not bad.

Cable Flies and standing pull overs x until I couldn't anymore x 2
Good sets, body burned.

Cardio and stretch.

The back lane was in use so I said fuck it, I need my legs anyways tomorrow.

Monday, 30 May 2011

May 30th, shit is getting real.

Getting close to a month until I compete. So time to watch my diet and not be a fat slob.

May 30th

Warm up with pvc rolling, yeah I finally remembered it.

High pulls
bar x lots
135 x 8
185 x 5
235 x 4
255 x 4,2 Getting better. Feeling confident about the barbarian load.

255 x 5
300 x 2
335 x 2
360 x 5,5,5,8 everything felt heavy today. Plus the lack of A/C in the gym made me a sweaty. chalky mess.

Front squats
bar x 8
135 x 8
185 x 5
205 x 1 The new tattoo did not like the weight on it, so it told me to go fuck myself. I stopped here.

18" rack pulls
405 x 3,6 first set was trying in an awkward stance to mimic power stairs, didn't work well.
445 x 4
495 x 3 Just gassed. i probably had more in me, but everything was feeling heavy today.

Farmer's walk
155 for 120'
205 for 60' x 2, well it was 120' with a drop turn
255 for 50' x 2 picks were slow, but the movement was strong. Not too shabby. Did a few extra picks.

farmer's shrugs
155 x 10,12

Side bends
90 x 15,15

Reverse hyper
90 x 10,10,8

Some cardio and stretch.

Not a bad day.

Friday, 27 May 2011

Double the log posts, double the fun!

Missed updating the other day, so doubled up today.

May 26th

Warm up with foam rolling

Box jumps
24" x 5
30" x5,3 I finally shook my mental block with that damn box, felt good.

bar x 8,8
135 x 8
225 x 5
275 x 3
295 x 3
315 x 5,5,5,8 all beltless and high bar
belt and low bar
335 x 2
365 x 2
385 x 1 core kept tight which was good, legs were fried.

bar x 12
155 x 10
205 x8,8,5

SSB Bulgarian split squats
bar x 10, 10 per leg

weighted sit ups x 12,10 with 15 lbs behind head.

BW x 10,10,8

Light cardio. I was destroyed by this work out.

May 27th

Still a bit mangled from yesterday

Warm up

Band push downs x 10,8,8

Football bar push press
bar x 10
95 x 8
135 x 5
145 x 4
155 x 3
165 x 5,5,5,8 I was just feeling yesterday's workout. Left bicep started bugging me. Not injured but happy I am not doing strongman stuff tomorrow.

Pull downs
Bicep hurting so I dialed it down, took a super wide grip.

165 x 10,10,10,10,10

Incline bench
135 x 6
185 x 5,4
165 x 5

80 x 15,15

shoulder things
15 lbs x 12,12

light cardio and home.

Overall, this week kicked my ass. I cranked up the intensity and I am feeling it. Even when thrashed, I am still firing out strong reps. So I am amped for what I can do when I am 100%.

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Back at it.

I skipped updating my log lately as well I am damn busy. I have made two atlas stones, been training, working, and having a life. Shit son, I'm awesome.

Last week had my deadlift day. Key notes, pulled 325 x 13 like it was no thang and hit a 255 ATG front squat with no belt. Felt damn good.

May 24th

warm up

Plyo push ups 3 x 5

Football bar Bench
bar x 8
135 x 8
175 x 5,5,5,5,5,14 felt strong and these went up easy.

one arm DB rows
85 x 8
135 x 8,8,5,10(straps) per arm

seated DB overhead press
70 x 6
75 x 6
80 x 6

Football bar Pendlay rows
225 x 5
245 x 5,8

Felt gassed at this point as I cranked up the intensity.

Super setted EZ curls with skull crushers at 85 lbs x15,12

Prowler with 270 lbs on it for 75' runs x 10... I think. could have been 12. These felt gooooood. The runs are getting faster which is what I want. I'm gonna just tackle my competition at comps... Terry Tate style, look it up.

tried cardio, prowler flu started catching up to me. went and stretched and home.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

The countdown to New Liskeard

Well, I realized today my next competition is in a month and a half. It's time to bring it.

Warm up focusing on the shoulders

Plyo push ups off a low bench.
3x5 Easy stuff

Over head
Barbell x 8

Log empty (143) x 1,1
145 x 5,5,5,5,5,9 it felt nice and light in my hands, just gassed on the last set. Good pressing, nothing felt hard but worked my ass.

Pull downs
170-255 x 5 increasing 15 lbs per set

Banded pull ups
green band x 8

Incline bench
135 x 5
185 x 5,5,5,4 Felt good. Haven't done them in some time, I need to get back into the pressing mode.

Face pulls
75 x 15,15,12

Shoulder raises with 20 lbs of chains
2 x 10 side raises supersetted with rear raises.

Prowler runs
270 lbs for 60' x 10 And destroyed. No puke, but it killed me.

Stretch and home.

I am starting to kick the conditioning into high gear. it needs to be on like Donkey kong for the next few months. Three strongman shows and one powerlifting meet in four months, yeah I need to be on my game.

Monday, 16 May 2011

Returning to the game

Deload week is over, time to get back at it. 5 Rep cycle starts today.

Shitty day it was, 4 hours of waiting and $586 later, car fixed this morning, worked late to make it up and hit the gym.

Warm up with foam rolling, missed hamstrings.

Plyo box jumps
sitting to 24" box

bar x 8
135 x 8
225 x 5
245 x 3
275 x 1
285 x 5,5,5 (felt my hams tweak on rep 3), 5,5,8 racked then thought what the hell switched to low bar and repped out 5 more.

The hamstrings on both legs felt like they suffered minor pulls. I decided to give them a chance to work without real weight on them.


bar x 15,15,10
not too bad.

Bulgarian split squats
BW x 15,15 per leg.

Standing banded abs
3 sets of AMAP

Light cardio and stretching out those damn hammies.

Bad day went to shit, but the work got done.

Monday, 9 May 2011

My progress and how to choose a training program

Well this past week I haven't been updating much. I have kinda slacked off a bit. I'm coming up on a deload week and I damn well need it. The show over a week ago kicked my ass as I wasn't ready for heavier weights yet, but fuck excuses. I went into it knowing shit all and went balls out on it. First or last, I did as well as I could. No bitching from me.

I have been doing the Juggernaut system for 10 weeks now. I finished off the first two cycles and I have to say I am liking it a lot. for me, the higher rep work lately has put me in a place where I am not injuring myself.... too much. On top of that I am making bigger gains than usual. On my last sets this past training week (10 days) I hit 315 x 11 squats (high bar), 163 x 11 14" log press, 190 x 12 football bar bench, and 365 x 9 deadlifts. All were to be 8+ to recalculate my training max. What does all that mean? I am getting fucking stronger. On top of that, I am lighter than I was back in the winter. I cut down water and weight for my competition in February. I wasn't 100% because of it. I am faster, leaner, and much stronger now.

Now how does all this work. Well, it is your program that does this. Periodization is a fancy word for training in blocks of training. It starts off with building the muscle needed to correct any imbalances, then the next phase you correct major form issues and train your CNS to handle heavier weight. Lastly, you fix the small form and technique issues while minimizing fatigue to your CNS and muscles.

But Mike, what if that's not our goal? Well that is where choosing the right program to train by comes in. I am not going to list tons of programs, BUT I am going to tell you the questions you need to ask yourself.
1: what are your goals? wanna look good, be strong, or healthy... if the last one, I can't help much. Lastly, there is sport specific, in that case you need to find a trainer that specializes in your sport.
2: what are your weaknesses? do you know where your lifts suffer? what are your sticking points? if you are not sure, find someone who knows the lifts well and ask them to watch you. Gradually load yourself up until failure. They should be able to point it out.
3: are you dedicated to the results? if so, then you have choices. Online there are plenty of coaches that ask these questions in more detail and will design you a training program.
4: does your gym have what you need to succeed? I have trained any countless gyms all over Ontario, one thing I have noticed. I better equipped ones, and I mean ones with serious gear, seem to have the better athletes. Choosing your gym will come up another time.

Put some thought into these and then come to this last question. How does my body react to certain kinds of training? some people are better with intensity, some with volume. How you respond to certain types of training depends on you. some people do really well sticking mainly to the main lifts while others, they really need those accessories to improve their game. Put thought into it and write it all down. once you figure all this out. Quit being a cheap fuck and buy a book or an e-book that lays out a foundation of training philosophies similar to your thinking. You will do better and see results.

gimmicks don't work, stop being a gooch and keep it simple and soon enough you may be a mighty pair of balls.

Monday, 2 May 2011

Olcott, NY gets a border jumper...

May 1

Olcott Highland games

Totally a fly by the seat of the pants competition choice.

Little sleep the night before, I hit IHOP for breakfast. Chow down a big ass meal and coffee and hit the road. Roll into Olcott and unpack. No clue on the weights of anything, I ask the log weight. Heavy log of 240... well fuck. No heavy log in some time and a heavy ass log, nice....

Because of the rain rolling in, we put the human tractor pull first. You are harnessed in and pulling similar to a truck pull, but unlike a truck pull there is no rolling. There was no give at all, it was all dead weight from start to finish. This thing was a mess of a metal torture device. The weight increases as you pull, making that last few feet hell. Finished up in 39 seconds and change. Not bad as the last ten feet killed, not my best event.

Next Braemar stone... shot put with a stone. hit 21.5' not bad for a first time trying it. Some of the highland games guys gave me tips on how to do it. A big thanks to those who did.

Next up farmer's walk. The rain had started, making a hard event even harder.the weights were 225 per hand after watching the middle weights struggle at 205. These were 2" handles and they were mounted onto logs... not easy to carry at all. It was max distance in 60 seconds. I got 59' and that got me second.

Next was heavy weight for distance. After fouling twice, I hit 13.6' with a granny style throw. that 56lb weight felt like it was gonna tear my arm off. I want to get a heavy weight now to practice throwing. As hard as it was, it was fun.

Next was the press medley... I didn't like this going so late in the order. I was burned out by now. I had no shoulders left in me. Moved the heavy log to 225 as, again, middle weights had problems with the heavy log. so 225 log, 240 axle, 125 DB, and 185 log. I tried the DB and heavy log... no go. Too burned out, skipped the axle and only hit 2 reps on the 185 log. Balls, but I wasn't the only burned out one, tied for third... out of four.

Last was the Sheaf throw... I hit 14' and missed 16'. Probably took last. I left before the end of it, so I don't know my placing. The event was wild. A pitch fork stuck into a burlap bag weighing 16 pounds and using the fork to fling the bag over a 14' bar. Again, I sucked at it but was tons of fun.

Overall, I think for no prep. I did as well as I could. Felt good to get out and compete. the work in the off season showed as I felt a good amount of power and competing against a top amateur in the NAS, it was a fun show. Thanks to Mike Landrich for the show, fun events and well run.

Thursday, 28 April 2011

A wild competition appears!

April 28th

warm up with lots of foam rolling

Squat jumps
bar x 5,5,5
took a rack in the back, far from the boxes for jumps. Did these instead.

bar x 10
135 x 8
195 x 5
235 x 3
275 x 2
295 x 1
315 x 11(belt)  I wanted 12 BUT when I unracked it didn't feel quite right. I continued to squat anyways, didn't bug me until rep 8. My upper back lost its tightness. Once I lost it, it became harder to hold my body upright. These were still good as I am still squatting high bar style.  I belted because I wanted to spare my back for sunday (more on this in a bit).

SSB seated GMs
bar x 10,10 was setting the rack as there was a pause at the bottom of reach rep as the bar rested on the safety catches.
135 x 10
175 x 10
205 x 10 And back was on fire.... so much for saving my back.

SSB Bulgarian split squats
bar x 10,10 each leg.

Ab work
decline sit ups
BW x10
10 lbs plate behind head x 15
standing band abs with average band x 20,15
Found how to get a good workout finally doing these.

DB overhead push press
worked up to 100 x 1 each arm, nothing big.

bw x 15,12

Stretch and shut it all down.

I am preserving myself because.... I am competing sunday! Started as me going to pick up a set of farmer's handles and turned into me competing at a highland games. I wanted to not over do it as if I worked myself into the ground tonight, I would bomb on sunday. A full write will follow sunday night.

Overal a good workout, I noticed the loss of upper back tightness squatting. This comes from time spent under the bar and knowing what is the problem during the movement. The more you understand how to do an exercise, the better you become at it AND the easier it becomes to figure out where you are weak. From there you can fix the weakness.  If you don't know where you are having problems, find someone to give you pointers. Someone watching can always help. If no one is available, video tape it and send it to someone who knows (Like me). Never be afraid to ask for help, people will help those looking to get better.Now go squat until you puke!

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

beast mode...

Well not really, but today was a good day.

Warm up
 Dynamic band presses. Hooked a band over some pull up handles on a rack and pressed out as fast as possible.

Football bar bench
bar x 10
135 x 5
145 x 3
160 x 3
175 x 8,8,12 Felt really good, left lots in the tank. Lots of control and speed.

DB rows
130 lbs x 8,8,8,8,12 grip is getting better and these felt easier this week, up the weight next week.

db seated overhead press
60 x 5
65 x 5
70 x 5
75 x 8 This set felt good, lots of strength there and no pain in the shoulders. All good signs.

Cable rows
240 x 5,5 focused on pulling hard not caring much about form.
150 x 10,10 more controlled and slower.

BB curls super setted with fat grip rope pull downs. 45 lbs each for at least 15 reps, over 20 if possible.

Kettle bell swings
32kg x 15 both hands
32kg x 10 each hand

Rotator cuff work with a 12 lb weight.

light cardio and stretching.

For those who wonder, I do low impact cardio at the end of my workouts as a cooling down of sorts. Just letting the heart slow and the sweating to stop. no real reasoning behind it.

More human than human

Sleep has been at a premium lately... I thought last night the workout would suck more ass than a hoover in a perverts house... I was wrong.

Warm up with some PVC rolling on the lower body.

Hang snatch
Bar x a lot. I was working on dropping under the bar. I started to get a hang of it.

Clean and jerks... sometimes no jerk.
135 x a bunch... for three sets. Counting was not done this time out... The count would have pimp slapped me for not counting... I am sorry my vampiric lord!...
Anyways, worked on the catch. I am not dropping under to catch the weight. I am still muscling it up, but the catch improved. Tried a 135 snatch... wow that turned into a huge mess of WTF? it looked more like a power snatch grip clean.

225 x 5
275 x 3
300 x 3
340 x 8,8,10 Last set felt damn easy and had at least 3 or so left in the tank.

SSB squats
bar x 8
155 x 8
225 x 8,8,9 Felt easy enough.

Zercher Harness air fucks.
225 x 5
275 x 5
295 x 5
345 x 4 oh yeah, I made the fat lady sing on the last set there.

18" deads... well, probably a 15".
worked up to 495 x 1 545 didn't want to go.

225 x 12
315 x 12
225 x 12
135 x 15

Side bends
80lbs per side x 15, 15, 10

Reverse Hypers, tilted up.
50 lbs x 10,10,10

Make shift rolling thunder for grip work.

Cardio and stretch.

I keep wanting to slap people at the gym... the reverse hyper machine is NOT an expensive high table for your water bottles.

Monday, 25 April 2011

Random Rant

Last training session was saturday and it was events... not very eventful. Technique stuff for the coming competitions.

Few updates: First is due to rough times in my own life (not telling you what) but not much rant worthy yelling going on in my head. Lately motivation and the reasons for doing what i do have been thinking of.  I personally battle with Clinical depression. It is an on going thing where some days it is worse than others. Most people in the strength world don't admit to these things as well... this is all about being as strong as possible and people see depression as a mental weakness.

It is my fight with this that motivates me. I push myself to combat the pain of my life, to reward my little victories in life, and to elevate my mood. I feel on top of the world after a good workout, and even if I have a bad workout (squats last tuesday) I come out of it with a sense of accomplishment as I still got my lazy ass into the gym and worked it. I didn't quit, I know that it is hard and yeah I sometimes want to be a pussy and stop. I won't let myself though.

Long time ago I was fat, I spent my time doing nothing, no real direction in my life. I didn't have any real life goals. I was doing a degree in university in a subject I enjoyed but no career ambitions. Everything came to a head when my uncle tragically passed. He was there for me when I was young and in his passing, I passed the point of numbness. No amount of booze could make me feel better... nothing did., except self "torture". This torture was me going to the gym 6 days a week and busting my ass for 2 hours a day. I worked out to feel better, and it made me feel better, a lot better. By the time I finally came to grips with everything, it was four months later and I have dropped 50 pounds. From there i moved onto getting into better shape. I had a goal.

This goal setting, and re setting, is what started me into the strength world. To fast track about three years, I always loved WSM on tv and said, I'm athletic... can I do that? I gave it a shot... I bombed my first comp. I got beat by a guy who injured himself on the first event and only got 2 points... i finished with 1 point in dead last. I loved it though. I started learning more about how to train for strength and learned about how it isn't brute strength that wins strongman, it is heart.

It is that passion and heart that I thrive off of now. It pushes me beyond where I thought possible four years ago, and it keeps me feeling good about myself.  It also teaches me to be patient with myself and to listen to my body. With a healthy body comes a healthy mind.

that's what motivates me. I am active on different forums and I see other peoples awesome stories. Some have their faith to guide them, other it is a will to become better, what motivates you and keeps you from being a pansy ass quitter?

Oh and BTW, I am now sponsored(?), well at least in cahoots with I have a discount code with them, mm25 , that'll get anyone 25% off their supplements. Their stuff rocks, and I don't just say this because I get discounts. I'll review some of their stuff in the future but I will say this, I like stuff that works and cuts out the bullshit. They do this. They offer everything you really need to train harder, recover faster, and stay on track with your good diet without over charging you. their protein is cheap and high quality. I love (no i really do) their chocolate flavour protein. I am going to be using their CarbBOOM! product as a competition glycogen refiller and an energy source. And best of all, they are Canadian. No border screw ups, no long waits, I order it and it is here two to three days later. Oh and their customer service people are really nice too, then again almost all companies I have dealt with in the fitness community have been nice, but the others weren't supplement providers they were equipment companies.

Friday, 22 April 2011

Learning to breathe and what else I do wrong.

Friday morning and it's time to remember last night.

April 21st

Warm up
Some funky push ups for dynamic activation.... it works

Over head press (push press)
Football bar
bar x 10
95 x 5
115 x 3
125 x 3
Moved over to my log
143 x 1 for the feel of it.
145(148) x 8,8,10
All felt good, but my quads are still fried from earlier in the week. So by rep 6 on each set they were screaming from the push. Also found out that at rep 8, I am out of breath. I am not used to the log crushing my chest, so at 8 I dropped the log and recovered, cleaned the log up and repped out 2 more.

Pulldowns, the spot I do pullups was taken by a guy doing box jumps. I don't argue, it looked kinda badass.

165 x 8
180 x 8
195 x 8
210 x 8
225 x 8
Fat gripz
135 x 8,8

Titan Ram on
135 x 10
185 x 8
205 x 8
225 x 6
Triceps done.
DB bench
65 x 10
80 x 7
Did this for shits and giggles... yeah I suck at them... I never do them.

100 x 10,10,10

Shoulder raises
To make these better and more beast mode like, did them with 20 lbs of chains.
front super setted with rears x 8,8
hold for 30 seconds or so. This blasted my shoulders. The movement of the chains made them harder and I like that, plus I looked like a crazy motherfucker. Awesome.

Sled pulls
180 x 60' x 2
205 x 75' x 4 The man(woman?) at the end of the shipping driveway moved their van, so longer pulling for me.

This was easy,  but felt hard enough for me to feel them working.

Light cardio and stretch.

Hit up a local burger place that is supposed to be good.  It is called the burger priest. As from a earlier blog... I love burgers. This place was different than the last place. While Woody's was bringing burgers to a more gourmet level of eating while still being what it is, a hand food. This place brought it back to the 1950's era of highway burger joints. I grabbed the double double and took it to my car to shove in my food hole. It was a bit messy and it came in a little wax paper bag. There was only the condiments you expected to find at a road side place available, but it was a bite of Americana. It brought back memories of trips to the trailer in the summer as a young boy, stopping at the local burger place to get real milkshakes and a burger on the way up. It was the summer treat on a sunny day where you knew that in no way was this good, but damn you enjoyed it. It was sloppy and nothing extravagant but it was a old school burger. Their fries kinda sucked though. Beyond that, my issue was the price. I got better quality from Woody's for cheaper. The size was smaller and well... it cost more. Improve the fries and then I won't mind paying the $15 for a combo. With that said, next up on the food hole: pizza.

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Pissy day and pissy workout

Just was off my game today... shit felt shitty.  Broke my earbuds, you that pissed me right off.

Warm up with some pvc rolling.

Box jumps
24" x 5
32" x 5
34" x 5
36" x fail
Found out the tallest box at the gym is actually 31" high, so all previous "36" " jumps were actually 32" as I put a stick on the 31" box and jumped the stick.

Same thing today but doubled up mats on the box to get to 36".

bar x 10
135 x 8
225 x 5
235 x 3
265 x 3
285 x 8,8,9 just felt like crap. Yesterday took everything out of me. Went to a low bar for the last set, legs were just dead so only 1 over prescribed reps.

155 x 10
175 x 10,10,8 Felt like shit but gave a final 8 a go.

SSB lunges
115 x 8,8 per leg. Fuck I hated these. But I gave them hell, just because I hate them doesn't mean I won't do them.

Weighted decline abs
10 lb plate behind head x 15,12,8

BW x 15,13 again just destroyed.

Prowler pushes
200 lbs for 60' x 4
290 lbs for 60' x 2

Light cardio and totally forgot to stretch.

Some days are just pissy. Don't let them get to you. If you do, you make mistakes. You beat yourself up and the only beating of yourself should be done late at night with a box of tissues and porn on.

Quit is a stupid word...

It has a Q in it, Q's are good for nothing. All their uselessness...


April 18th

Warm up
Plyo Pushups
BW x 5,5,5 Start resting on the ground and push up and off the ground, kind of like a clap push up... but no retarded clap. I am not a seal and I don't want a fish.

Bench with an actual barbell... it has been a football bar for the past while.

bar x 10
95 x 10
155 x 8,8,10,8,14
These felt much stronger than normal. I think the four weeks with the football bar did some good.

DB rows
80 x 10 warm up
130 x 8,8,8,(straps on)8,15(straps)
My grip was having issues holding for all 8 reps. I think I am going to stay at this weight for a bit until my grip improves.

DB seated OHP
65 x 8
70 x 8
75 x fail, shoulders were fried... eh.

Cable flies
45 lbs x until the pain was too much for 2 sets.
Supersetted with average band pull overs until it hurt so good.

Light cradio as the driveway was full of cars, so no prowler.

Stretch and home.

Definitely feeling strong, but my left shoulder felt like it was weak during the last set of bench and the overhead work... I think I need to book an appointment with my chiro to make sure everything is ok as the left shoulder was clicking while doing shoulder dislocates in my stretching.

Friday, 15 April 2011

Can't stop here, this is bat country...

I'm starting to come up with blog titles that don't mean anything... yeah, I'm over worked on the creative side of things... shut up you smell!

Forgot to charge my ipod... just because the music stops doesn't mean I do. Said fuck it and trained as hard as ever.

April 14th

Warm up, forgot my pvc pipe in the car so I used a shitty foam roller for SMR... not as effective.

Clean and jerks

Well the bumpers were being used by a crafty russian, so I started with bar snatches and overhead squats.
snatch x 8
over head squats x 6,8  Happy with these as they were ATG, which for a unflexible bum like me.

back to the cleans

135 x 4
155 x 3
185 x 2,2 first set was horrible, powered up and wasn't getting under the bar. Press was good though.
205 x fail, fail... blah. I suck at these. I need to record my crappy technique and get someone's advice on these. I want to get up to a 255 clean by summer's end and I know I have the strength for it... just no technique.

205 x 8
255 x 8
300 x 8,8,8,8,11 not bad, could have gone for more, but I am supposed to stop 2-3 reps shy of failure.

SSB squats
155 x 8
175 x 8
205 x 10(?) I lost count so it could have been more... I may have counted 7 twice...

Trap bar shrugs
130 x 20
200 x 19,20,5 the five was with fatgripz on the handles. I also did a bunch of holds at this weight with them on there for grip and shits/giggles.

side bends
80 lbs x 15,15 per side.

Event: Barbarian load
coordination wasn't there today, but got 255 to 40" so not too bad.

Reverse hyper
70 lbs x 12,12,10

light cardio

for some reason I felt like doing some log presses... empty 14" log (143 lbs empty) for 5 (all viper presses)

Stretched out and home.

I'm starting to be known as the guy who competes in powerlifting and strongman at my gym. I like that, people ask about my competitions all the time. I get to shoot the shit about it to people who just want to watch and it makes me feel the sports have a good amount of life here in Toronto.

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Hey look I'm a t-rex!

April 12th

Warm up
totally forgot to do my plyo shoulder work. meh.

Football bar overhead press
bar x 8
95 x 8
130 x 8,8,8,8,12 Tris burned so good.

Pull ups
Green band (medium) x 10,10
blue band (light) x 8,7

210 x 8,7

Titan ram on, bench press with new raw bench grip
135 x 5
185 x 8
225 x 8,8,6

Face pulls
95 x 12,12
125 x 10

Dumbbell hammer curls
25 lbs until it was too much x 2

Overhead tricep extensions
60 lbs dumbbell until it was too much x 2

For both of those it was over 25 the first set and over 15 on the second.

Kettle bell swings
24kg x 20
32kg x 15,15

light cardio and stretched out everything.

no real ranting today except, put your weights away properly or I am going to throw a 45lbs  plate at your head. for fuck sakes, it's not that hard.

Monday, 11 April 2011

Things I thought I knew how to do but don't

Starting the 8s rep wave today

April 11th

Warm up with some PVC rolling.

Plyo box jumps
30" x 5
30" x 5
36" x 5 well not onto the box, mentally I just can't do it, too afraid of faceplanting into the mirror. I put a broom stick we use for shoulder warmups across it and jumped over the stick. Worked really well.

bar x 8
135 x 10
225 x 8
255 x 8,8,8,8,12
Repped it out nicely. I am used to the higher rep work load, which is awesome.

Safety Squat Bar good mornings
135 x 10
135 x 10
185 x 10
185 x 10
I hate these, but well to get stronger you do what you hate.

SSB(safety squat bar) lunges
bar x 8
85 x 8
115 x 8
Again, I hate lunges.

Standing abs with green band x 18 too easy.

Decline abs
10 lbs plate behind head x 12, 12, 6

Glute Ham Raises
BW x 19
BW+25lbs x 10
BW+25lbs x 8

one arm DB overhead press
70 x 1 each arm
80 x 1 each arm
90 x 1 each arm
100 x 1 each arm
110 x fail and fail each arm

I am having issues balancing the weight at the top on 110. I am pissed at this, I should be able to hit it.

Light cardio and stretch everything out.

Between cardio, warm up, and stretching, I'm adding an hour to my workouts. Fucking long ass workouts.

Today I realized, well saturday I was shown, I have no clue how to wrap my wrist wraps. I have been doing it wrong all this time. I spent my sunday and today thinking I need a new pair because mine were too short, but no.

To wrap properly, you start low on the wrist, about a half wrap down. Pull tight and start to wrap up towards your hand. Now with a shorter wrap (like a 20" one) you should be at your hand by the end of the first full wrap around. From here wrap up to just under the first knuckle on your pinky and thumb.  I was getting to there, and doubling up the wrap. I double, velcro down tight and take the thumb loop off.

If done correctly, moving your wrist should be very very hard and so should opening your hand. Your hand and wrist won't move when you grip the bar and you'll protect your wrist from sounding like a broken cement mixer.

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Travelling to the Degoba system and how to quit being lazy...

Woke up early this saturday morning to go train at the anvil. This is rare... I hate saturday mornings... to me they haven't existed since I played hockey.

Reason I went was to meet with Yoda (Clint Harwood).  Unlike the real yoda, Clint isn't small and green, but he is pretty all knowing. Trained my deload bench

135 x 5
155 x 5
155 x 5

Slipped on my titan ram


Clint gave me  a bunch of tips for where my form and technique were coming apart. Again, learn from those who know. Quit listening to the dickbag you know who someone lost weight by drinking his own urine... it doesn't work. Listen to those who have tried and failed, then came back to excel after learning how to get the most out of their abilities.

Also did some farmer's holds.

Worked up to 250 in hands... was getting probably 20 seconds per hold. grip not failing... hands just aren't used to the weight in hands right now.

Now how to quit being lazy. Think of something you enjoy, something that's free. (Sex isn't free if you have to pay for it) For me, I like to hike. It's calming and guess what? damn easy! All I have to do is walk! simple isn't it? Today was one of the first good days outside that I went for a hike. I drove out to the niagara region and walked the rockway falls trail.

For me, this is a no brainer. I got up out of my house, didn't care what I wore (I was alone and in the woods, who cares if I was wearing a name brand shirt?), and no one bothered me. I took it at my own pace and if I needed to stop I did.

By doing something you love, be it biking, rollerblading, walking, or swimming, you get active and it doesn't feel like the routine of the gym. If you are looking for a break from the gym, get outside. You'll feel better and you will actually do something with your day. You'll also not be tempted by that giant bag of oreos... do it or be fat.

Thursday, 7 April 2011

Relax, I'm awesome, I've got this...

Deload week continues...

Warm up

Oly lifts

bar x 10

Clean and jerks

bar x a bunch
95 x a bunch
135 x a bunch

I wasn't counting, I was working form... I still look like a strongman doing them, technique blows.

155 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 5
275 x 5

Easy and fast

Pull downs
180 x 5
195 x 5
210 x 5
225 x 5
240 x 5
255 x 5

SSB squats
bar x 5
155 x 5
205 x 5
225 x 5
all ATG.

Shoulder stuff with a 15 lbs DB, included rotator cuff work.

25 minutes of cardio and then stretched everything out.

I've been slacking in my warm up this week, no foam rolling and just winging it. It's deload, so meh.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Deloads are not weeks off

Deload week starts today. Easy workouts ahead.

Warm up

bar x 10
135 x 5
155 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 5

High box squats
225 x 5
225 x 5
275 x 3
275 x 3

Good mornings
bar x 15
bar x 15

bar for a good two minutes. I got into a song and lost count, so I went until I hurt.

Did some make shift rolling thunder lifts using a barbell wedged into a corner, like with a t-bar row, a fat grip, and a v-pulley thing for machine rows on a chain. worked out well, worked up to 2 plates before my grip gave out.

Prowler runs

sled plus 110 pounds for 80' x 12. 6 hands on high handles, 6 on the low handles.

Prowler pulls
200 pounds on the sled for 80' x 4. My legs were screaming.

Decline abs for 3x15 and stretched everything out.

I see deload weeks as a time to relax and play around with things. It is when I try out new exercises and play with my technique. nothing too hard but keep it from being nothing more than a pissing contest against an armless midget, just too easy.

Monday, 4 April 2011

oh it burns... and barefoot pansies

Last workout of my current wave of the juggernaut system, so we'll look tomorrow at how it has worked out so far.

April 4th

Warm up, with the focus mainly being on my lats and my shoulders. Rotator cuff health is key after fucking up both of them in the past two years...

Football bar bench
bar x 10
95 x 5
115 x 5
135 x 3
160 x 1
170 x 14 oh the pump... The set felt good, probably could have grinded out one or two more but it isn't what you COULD do, it is what you did. No one ever cares what you could do or be, it is was you are. 

DB rows
75x10 warm up
120x10,10,10,18 lifting straps on last set. I love my new ironmind lifting straps. These things have no give like others I have used and don't dig in as badly into my wrists. I highly recommend them if you are going to use them.

DB Over Head Press (seated)
70x9 Nothing special.

Football bar Pendlay Rows
225 x 5,5
275 x 4,3
these felt like shit. the 275 felt like trying to continue nailing a fat chick after sobering up enough to realize what you brought home from the bar... heavy and painful to see.

DB flies
30lbs per hand until it burned

Band pull overs
green band(?) until it burned. Not sure of the tension on it, but it was for muscle fatigue.

light cardio and long stretch.

Opted for the elliptical over the prowler as someone was welding in the back alley and no way I'm getting welder's flash.

Now on to the barefoot pansies. I watched a video about barefoot running today... really???

I understand that from an evolutionary standpoint, we weren't meant to wear shoes, BUT we have for so long, we are adapted to it... it's that little thing called EVOLUTION. Also, these buggers try to tell us people are meant to run like this, oh and they do it for long distances. They can go shove their Pachouli incense loving, dirt covered, hemp rolled bullshit back up their asses. Yes, we evolve to be on our feet with no shoes, but to WALK long distances, not run them. We are meant to run short bursts like all other hunters in the food chain. Look at a cheetah, you think it runs a long distance? only if its food can run it too. They use up so much energy running that distance. Same with all other hunters of the animal kingdom. 

If you hippies want glass and dogshit on your feet, go nuts... I'll wear my comfy shoes.

P.S. Vibrams are shoes you pansies, don't try to fuck with me and say you are barefoot in those...

This is why we're fat...

As the days pass and I see more and more people crying and whining about being overweight, I start to wonder why these people are whining so much? We live in nation where they print the damn calories per serving on the labels for you. They took most of the guess work out of it and told you, only put this much in your food hole fatty!

Then again, it is also because of restaurant food. One thing most people tend to overlook when eating out is that this food is full of fat and sugar... with more fat and sugar put onto it. We are talking Paula Deen level butter here. That shit is the flavour that we all oh so love.

So my tip of the week, keep your asses out of restaurants unless you have a celebration and when in there, be smart! if there is an option to add to your meal, don't take it. Get the salad instead of the potato with more grease on top than in your dirty uncle's hair.

Now with that out of the way, here is why i'm fat. Woody's Burgers bar and grill

I visited them this past friday. Now before i get into it, Toronto seems to have a new obsession with burgers. Gourmet burger joints are everywhere, and I mean everywhere. I feel so overwhelmed with these greaseballs, I feel like I am stuck in woodbridge. So a really good review is going to hard to come by with me, these places are now a dime a dozen.

As I walked into the place, a familar smell fills the air and I couldn't quite figure it out until I sat down... they are cooking over actually fire, it is a wood grill. I look around and this tiny place, about 75% kitchen is packed! so I grab a menu and hunt for my meat of choice.

I find the specialty burgers and think, fuck it, time to gorge like a mad man. I look for a huge ass burgers, but none are to be found. No selling of the ultimate 24 oz. burger of death, so that is a plus. i'm not going to O.D. on meat tonight. Settle on the Coronary burger: a stuffed cheese burger with bacon, fried onions, a fried egg, more cheese, and mayo.

I order and eager wait for my food. I get called and they ask me what I want to add... there looks to be a good 30 condiments to add... dumbfounded, I just say everything. in the end it looks like this.

I squeeze it down and attempt to shove it in my foodhole... barely fits. damn, first bite I get cheese, egg, bacon, tomato, and smokey goodness... The addition of an egg was new to me, the yolk added a lovely richness to the burger. The meat was flavourful and cooked perfectly. Everything added to the burger but nothing seemed to take away from actual burger as it sometimes happens.

Once finished with the burger and my sweet potato fries, I was stuffed and satisfied. I felt my powerlifting gut was growing and I was reading to train strongman the next day.

The place is highly recommended by myself, as the food was excellent, the prices were cheap, and it is walking distance from my house. While the claim of best burger in toronto hasn't been proven, so far it is the best I have had around this burger bloated metropolis.

Thursday, 31 March 2011

Taking the world by storm

First of many training log entries.

The headphones went in and the game was on... Well no, I brought the wrong shorts with me, so anyone behind my rack saw my ass tonight.

Started with a good warm up, always key. Got loose and went to grab the new, shiny, olympic bar. I'd been itching to give it a go since I saw it a week ago.

Power clean and jerks
Bar x 8
95 x 5
135 x 3,3
155 x 2,2
175 x 1,1

Got the work in. My cleans blew hard, but the overhead was nice and quick. The new bar has the fancy collars too, so all those weights may actually be 10 pounds heavier.

Switched bars and moved to deads

135 x 8 double over hand stop at the bottom
225 x 5 same as before
265 x 3 same
315 x 1 switched to a mixed grip
330 x 12 touch and go with a mixed grip, thought I was done and went back on one last one double over hand, so ended with 13.

Not bad. I am working on my endurance on deads so this felt easy but gassed me.

Front squats
135 x 5
185 x 5
205 x 5
225 x 5

Getting better as I used to do 225 with a belt on, not today.

Zercher harness zerchers

135 x 8
Lowered the safety bars
225 x 8
275 x 8,8
All reps came up quickly, I was going for speed on these.


275 x 15, 15 nothing special

Side bends

70 lbs dumbbells for 15 reps on each side x 2

Event: 18" deadlifts
405 x 1
455 x 1
495 x 1
545 x 1
585 x 1 (PR)
605 x fail

Reverse Hyper
50 lbs x 15,15

Stretched out my lower body and back real good. Headed home.

Holy shit! I have a blog...

Damn right I do. For those who don't know me, I am Michael Majik, and I am an asshole. More over, I am one who prefers to shout about the bullshit in the fitness/health world and provide stripped down ideas and methods to make you succeed in your goals and not hate life trying to get there.  Here I'll be posting my training log, supplements I try (and whether I like them or not), training ideas for athletes (not just strength or weight loss), and things that I see or hear that just need to be talked about because well, it made me rant.

As a Toronto, Ontario local, there will probably be restaurant reviews, food ideas, and small "interviews" with others that share a similar or different kind of ideals. I'll probably swear, I know I'll rant, and I'll make remarks that are down right brutal... but I promise to keep the selling bullshit to a minimum as well, I think it takes hard work and smart thinking to hit those highs and not fill my wallet.

Ask me anything and I'll answer you, enough people ask and I'll devote a whole post to it.